Medicine in Motion Partnerships
You can now order custom Medicine on Motion FIGS scrubs!
Contact your chapter lead to learn more about placing an order.
Service Name

The Medicine in Motion Community has the opportunity to access an incredible golf network for an unprecedented price!
Check out the Dormie Network Golf Membership and contact if you or anyone you know may be interested!
One Year Donated National Membership:
Winning bidder, their significant other, and any children living in the home under the age of 23 will enjoy full membership benefits to all six Dormie Network properties for 12 months. After their 12-month trial period is over, the winning bidder will then have the opportunity to continue on with Dormie Network as a dues paying member and will never pay an initiation deposit.
Retail value for the One Year Membership is $30,000, and because of this value we require the minimum acceptable bid amount to be $7,500. Dormie Network will not be able to onboard any donated member contributing less than this amount.
Winning Bidder cannot live within 75 miles of any Dormie Network property, nor have a vacation home within that same vicinity.