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University of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences

Medicine in Motion UCT is the first society on the UCT Faculty of Health Sciences campus with an exclusive focus on the students’ wellbeing. Founded against the backdrop of high healthcare worker burnout rates and under resourced healthcare facilities, Medicine in Motion UCT hopes to craft sustainable solutions to burnout through community, education, and movement.

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Chapter Leads

Amy Tait


Amy is a fifth year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. She is a keen mountain biker and teaches trail riding skills to younger girls in her spare time. She also enjoys trail running and surfing. As a firm believer in maintaining a balanced lifestyle, Amy ensures that her outdoor activities are a priority and this helps her maintain motivation and focus in her goals to become a competent, caring doctor. She believes Medicine in Motion is the perfect platform to encourage others to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

Andrew Hodgson


Andrew Hodgson is a fourth year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. He enjoys running, hiking, and playing hockey, and is now playing his third season for the UCT Hockey Club this year. He believes that Medicine in Motion’s goal of making exercise easy, fun and enjoyable for his fellow students can bring about a positive change.

Asande Vilane


Asande is an intercalated MBChB - Honours (Infectious Diseases and Immunology) student and TedX Speaker at the University of Cape Town. She aspires to be a clinician-scientist who gives back to her community. As a runner, she has found that her sport has helped her cope with academic stress, and hopes to show others that physical activity can be an empowering exercise that helps one absorb the shocks of life.

Jason Govind


Jason is a fourth year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. During his high school career he tutored Mathematics and Physical Sciences alongside his father, who is passionate about education and nurturing young minds who are the future of tomorrow. It is this passion to serve others which guided his decision to study medicine.

Numa Kudia


Numa is a fourth year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. Where exercise was something she previously avoided and didn’t really bother about, it has now become an integral part of her day and something she uses to cope with life as a medical student. She believes Medicine in Motion is the perfect platform for helping beginners who struggle with fitting exercise into their lives, and teaching them how to put themselves first.

Siobhan Laubscher


Siobhan is a fourth year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. Her favourite form of movement is running, with a close second being lifting weights in the gym. For Siobhan, exercise has become a form of therapy in terms of taking breaks from academic stress, or finding ways to express herself. She believes Medicine in Motion is the perfect way for those who have already been touched by the benefits of exercise to share their knowledge and joy of moving with fellow students.

Yejin Jang


Yejin is a second year MBChB student at the University of Cape Town. With a keen interest in Public Health and Global Surgery, she joined the UCT Surgical Society in first year. As a member of UCT Surgical Society, she has run the Scrub Run every year, which raises funds for the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. She hopes to use her interests in Public Health in promoting exercise through Medicine in Motion.

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