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Columbia Medical School

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Chapter Leads

Alexis Dal Col


Alexis is a second year medical student at Columbia University in NYC. She grew up in Upstate New York, where she was always involved in a number of competitive sports, including lacrosse, soccer, tennis, swimming, and golf. She continued playing lacrosse as an undergrad at Harvard, where she majored in Economics and minored in Government. In NYC, she enjoys running in Central Park and cycling on the Peloton. Alexis appreciates how important athletics are to creating a healthy and balanced lifestyle, particularly for medical students, and is excited to bring Medicine in Motion to Columbia.

Lauren Fahmy


Lauren is a second-year medical student at Columbia University in NYC. She grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, where she discovered her love of running after joining her high school cross country team. She ran her first marathon when she was 16 and has been hooked ever since. She attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison as an undergrad, where she double majored in Genetics and Nutritional Science. In total, she has run nine marathons. She continues to run in medical school with a dream of one day running the Boston Marathon. She believes the benefits of exercise extend far beyond physical health and hopes to help bring these benefits to others through Medicine in Motion.

Niel Liang


Neal is a second year medical student at Columbia University in NYC. He grew up in the suburbs of Plano, Texas, where he played tennis and other racket sports competitively. Neal attended Rice University as an undergrad, where he majored in Biochemistry and Cell Biology and served on the campus EMS service. Having torn his ACL playing flag football (and having seen several similar sports injuries throughout his tenure as an EMT), he appreciates the advantages of consistent conditioning and maintaining an active lifestyle. Neal is currently a co-leader of the Columbia Roadrunners and an active member of the Free Weight Club. He is excited to bring Medicine in Motion and its worthwhile goals of philanthropy and community engagement to the already flourishing fitness community at Columbia.

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